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Carla's Blog
Sunday, 4 April 2004
Prayers for Mom & JD
Topic: Prayer
I just got off the phone with my mom. The news is not good.

My step-dad Jasper, was diagnosed with bladder cancer a few months ago, and they thought they had caught it in time for chemo to take care of it. As of last Wednesday, they have learned that the cancer is growing, in spite of the chemo.

The doctor gave Jasper the options, to continue with treatment (which is making him VERY sick, he's 77 years old), or stop it now. The doctor said at the rate it's currently growing, he wouldn't even begin to feel the pain from it, for approximately 3-6 months from now. He has not yet given him a life expectancy time frame.

Jasper has decided to stop the treatment, live his life the best he can, and go on the pain control program, when that begins.

My mom (Estella) is (so far) handling this pretty well, saying to me on the phone this morning, that God is in charge of all of this anyway. Over the last few years, my mom has lost her dad (my gpa), to asbestosis, one son in law to a motorcycle accident(my step sister's husband), one to skin cancer (my first husband), and another to a sudden heart attack (my sister's first husband) and now she prepares her heart and head, for another loss. She seems to be taking comfort in the fact that He is in fact in control of these things.

To the best of my knowledge, my step-dad does not know the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour. I sincerely covet your prayers, that if it be the Lord's will, that He would reveal Himself to Jasper, and comfort both of them during this time of "waiting". I know this also might sound very selfish, but I also hope that the Lord will allow Jasper to remain with us AT LEAST until September. We're planning our vacation for then, and plan to go see them and stay with them for a week prior to our retreat in Tennessee. Jasper has never met our youngest daughter Ruth, and it's been 3 years since the kids have seen them.

Thank you for remembering my family in prayer, I'll update this request as it's warranted.
in His love,

Posted by Carla at 1:21 PM EST

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